I seriously tried to post about this earlier, but I was having so many issues with the post and it having all kinds of html gibberish, that I finally just deleted it and figured I'd write another one. (Noone had seen it at least?)
Possibly spoilers ahead if you haven't watched it yet.
So, Friday morning I immediately started watching the show in its entirety on netflix (not that I hadn't downloaded netflix onto my phone that night at work and watched the first episode already or something...)
Like many people that I correspond with, I was anticipating this with sheer glee, and it seemed to fulfill all of our wishes . i Plan on going into detailed summaries when I get a chance on each of the episodes (Plan to are the key words) but for now, a breakdown of what I loved about it, and what I wish could have happened.
It follows the books pretty damn closesly. Now, a lot did have to be left out and changed to keep up with the 30 minute time frame (actually more around 27 minutes), but for the most part , it does keep close to the books.
A couple of main differences were some of the time frames. They go to Sea City over spring break, Mimi has her stroke during the school year, Kristy's mom's wedding wasn't rushed, but it did feel about the same time of the year (exactly when wasn't given... that I remember.) The camp they go to is NOT Camp Mohawk, but camp moosehead. They're not CITs , they're just campers. (Which, trust me, from working at camp for five summers, I was wondering how the hell they had 13 year olds as CITs and some counselors as young as 14.) But, yay for Kristy doing archery!! (My one "Thing" athletically wise I was actually good at. Taught it my last summer which was in Pennsylvania.) I wish they had shown camp songs, that was my other "thing," but ... alas.
Logan was introduced smack off in the first episode. (Mary Anne freaking out in the trailer when she sees him.) No... from what I can tell there is no Cam Geary reference.
No Jenny Prezzioso . At least not yet. That sitting charge in the 4th episode does get sick with a 104 degree temp and has to get taken to the hospital, but she is a transgender child named Bailey. (Oh, the horror I'm sure some people are saying.)
Dawn is Hispanic, but she is vegan and you can see her protest side come out in the camp episodes.
There are gay characters, fairly subtle. The Johanssen's... one is an art teacher, and that threw me off, but there is a female Dr. Johanssen who is an endocrinologist. Dawn's father himself is gay (which she said her parents always kind of knew but swept it under the rug... which unfortunately I know can be fairly common... or try to straight.) They're friends now, though.
From what I can tell during my rewatch, Mrs Porter (Morbidda Destiny) is Dawn's Great Aunt. And yes, she's entirely a "witch." In the modern day sense. I'll have to rewatch it to see what exactly she said and put it down.
There is a landline and everything, but everything else is updated. They have a notebook that is on the computer, smart phones, etc. They still have the meetings in Claudia's room and answer that lovely phone, and sure enough, have Kid Kits that are introduced in The Truth About Stacey.
Some of my Favorite things:
Louie! The Doggie! My heart!! Happiness!!!
Janine is spot on in my opinion from the books. Her door closes on command.
I honestly thought "wtf" when I heard Alicia Silverstone was going to be Elizabeth. I can't get her portrayal as Cher in Clueless out of my head . However, she owned it. She grew on me. As did the other parents. I seem to remember less of Stacey's though, but her mother seemed at least supportive and her dad was "there."
Mimi ... she's perfect. That's all. Her story of being in an internment camp during WWII is just heart wrenching. THat was shown during Claudia and Mean Janine.
I wish we could have seen a bit more of Jessi and Mallory, but I did like their portrayal. I know at least the Jessi from the TV show could dance (hell, she's been on stage in last I saw), but we barely saw anything. Movie Jessi just had her "dancing" down the sidewalk and the brain song. Sure, I don't remember seeing much of this Jessi's dancing, but it was sure enough ballet. I did like the characters portrayal with what they had. (But where were Mallory's glasses?)
Those are some likes (trust me for the most part I did like it).
Now for things I wished could have been different:
I wish we could have gotten to know some of the sitting charges a bit better. Charlotte and Stacey's relationship, more of Jamie, more of the Pikes, etc. Now at least we did get to see a lot of David Michael and Karen... but need more Andrew! Papadakis was mentioned, but not seen. Marshall's mentioned...not seen. (Parents shown in a meeting... not the kids.).
A lot did have to get left out. Phantom Phone caller only really mentioned. The sitters themselves didn't get them, they were on paranoia about getting a phone call. Speaking of which ... Alan Gray? WHERE WAS HE? (We did get Trevor Sandbourne!!!)
I think maybe if the episodes had been an hour long, a lot more could have been squeezed in .
From what I saw, there is a strong chance for a second season, and I hope so. A lot of articles are posting positive reviews... at least from what I've seen. I've also seen a couple of youtube reviews before the show was released (i hate that they were able to see it). One is an avid fan and read them growing up, and another a guy in his 20s who never read the books. BOTH gave it high marks.
So when I get a chance, I plan on doing an analysis/review of the episodes... one by one.
In the meantime: Here are those reviews
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